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How to Apply for Citizenship in Australia?

citizenship in australia


How to Apply for Citizenship in Australia?

Steps to get Citizenship in Australia. The process of seeking it gets much more straightforward than you thought. As with other countries, you are settling in the country isn’t easy. It works to your advantage when you follow the proper procedures.

One option is to apply for citizenship after being issued a permanent residency visa. As a Permanent Resident, you were in the country for several years. The applicant must fill in the required information on the application form and take an exam to test her citizenship. Bypassing the citizenship test is the only way to pass the entire process.

To date, tens of hundreds of migrants have become Australians by attending citizenship ceremonies. Others were not able to claim citizenship according to Australian information on citizenship.

Citizenship in Australia

Application for Citizenship in Australia following PR

You can stay in the country for four years after receiving the visa for permanent residency. You must complete one year of four years before being an Australian citizen. The remainder of the time can be derived from when you lived as a permanent resident.

When you apply for citizenship, you must not be out of the country for more than one year or more than three months within a calendar year. Be aware of the duration you were away. It is a part of your business that allows you to travel out of the country.

Apply to apply for Citizenship from Australia through Descent

Did you consider pursuing Australian citizenship by descent? Compared to other options, it’s less expensive because of the simple processes. The citizenship requirements you need to fulfill are

You were Born Outside the Country; documents of your parent who was an Australian citizen at the time of your birth. You do not need to attend an interview or citizenship test.

However, citizenship is granted only to children who have parents who are Australians. If you’re above 18 years old, you must submit evidence that shows that you’re of good character. Be sure to provide papers in the English language, or perhaps you’ll need the translation of the services of a translator. The administration of the country has to accept the translator.

It is essential to point out that you can apply for citizenship by descent via the internet or in a physical form. After you’ve processed your application, you may need to submit additional documents. This process is not as painful in comparison to other options for citizenship. This means that this is the fastest route to citizenship.

Steps: Apply for Citizenship in Australia

Here are a few guidelines to follow when applying for citizenship in Australia.

It starts by obtaining a temporary visa. Based on it, you can apply for a visa that grants the applicant Australia and permanent residence.

Permanent Residency

Other steps include naturalization and citizenship applications. Last but not least, the final stage is successfully passing the citizenship test.

What Is Naturalisation?

It’s a legal process or act. Non-nationals may apply for citizenship or nationality in the country of their choice.

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Citizenship Application

After a naturalization period of four years, you are eligible to apply for citizenship after four years of naturalization in Australia. Most people can apply online. If you’re a foreign national who has permanent residency, it is possible to submit a citizenship application. Anyone under 60 may apply for citizenship. If you’re over 60, you may be eligible for an interview rather than taking an exam.

Citizenship Ceremony

You should seek an invitation to an official ceremony to celebrate your citizenship. The authority must accept your application once you have passed the citizenship test. After one year, you must attend the ceremony following approval for your application.

The ceremony will last for two hours. Also, authorities will instruct you to sign a promise. Following that, you will apply for citizenship. Then, shortly after, you get an official certificate of citizenship. The certificate can be used when applying for an Australian passport.

In essence, obtaining citizenship in Australia isn’t as difficult a job as it appears. Complete all requirements of Permanent Residency and go through the steps step-by-step. Find out more about naturalization, temporary/permanent resident visas, Citizenship tests, and promises. Contact us at our Australian immigrants and consultants to get any assistance.

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