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Six (6) Reputable Institutions and Organizations that grant Scholarships to International Students for Medical Billing and Coding in Europe


Six (6) Reputable Institutions and Organizations that grant Scholarships to International Students for Medical Billing and Coding in Europe

Here are some universities and NGOs in Europe that willingly offer scholarships to international students who seek to pursue a degree and career in Medical Billing and Coding.


1.) University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


This university offers scholarships of about €2,000 annually to international students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Management program with a Medical Billing and Coding trajectory.


2.) Maastricht University, Netherlands


This institution, through a needs-based scholarship, provides up to 10% funding for international students undergoing Its Health Economics, Policy and Law program.


3.) DCL Scholarships (UK)


This nonprofit organization awards a needs-based scholarship ranging from £1,000-£5,000 to international students studying in accredited UK universities.


4.) HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland


This university offers a tuition waiver of €1,000 per semester to eligible international students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Health Management with a focus on Medical Coding.


5.) Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)


This university grants full-tuition scholarships to the top 5 international students applying for their Medical Informatics program.


6.) i-graduate International Scholarships (Europe-Wide)


This organization provides fully funded scholarships of up to €20,000, annually, to top international students applying for admission into European universities, for the pursuit of several degrees including Medical Billing.


In order to be eligible for Medical Billing and Coding Scholarships in Europe, you must meet the following criteria.


I.) You must be granted admission into a European university as an undergraduate student of Medical Billing and Coding.


II.) You must reveal academic excellence.


III.) You must display financial need.


IV.) You must meet specific language requirements.


V.) You must submit the scholarship application before the stipulated deadline.



All the Best!

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