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Organizations and Universities in the United States that Offer Scholarships to international students


Organizations and Universities in the United States that Offer Scholarships to international students

Studying in the United States is the dream of many international students, however, this dream is undoubtedly quite expensive for many. Fortunately, a good number of scholarship opportunities abound which can help international students fund their education in the United States. Let’s take a look at some of these opportunities.


1.) Fulbright


This is one of the largest scholarship opportunities and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. This funding offers full tuition coverage, housing, and books, and even covers living expenses.


2.) Harvard University


Harvard University also awards competitive scholarships to international students. These scholarships are both need-based and merit-based and they can cover as much as 50%-100% of tuition costs and other student fees.


3.) The University of California


This university offers scholarships to international undergraduate students through the Global Citizens Scholarships which is worth about $15,000-22,000. This scholarship is strictly merit-based and is granted to very exceptional international candidates.


4.) Pennsylvania State University


Pennsylvania State University provides full-tuition scholarships every year to around 200 international students through the Global Penn Awards amongst other awards.


5.) Rotary International


Rotary International provides both undergraduate and graduate scholarships for international students pursuing degrees in any field of study.


6.) The China Scholarship Council


This Council grants scholarship opportunities to thousands of Chinese undergraduate students studying in the United States.


7.)  The Brazilian Scientific Mobility Programme


This scholarship program provides financial support for Brazilian students pursuing a Doctorate degree in the field of Science.


For more information on how to apply for these scholarships, quickly visit the official websites of the above-stated universities and organizations.



All the best!

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