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Top Five (5) Universities in Asia and Australia that Offer scholarships to international students for a Degree in medicine (MBBS).


Top Five (5) Universities in Asia and Australia that Offer scholarships to international students for a Degree in medicine (MBBS).

1.) The University of Sydney


This university grants multiple scholarships to international students who are interested in pursuing an MBBS degree such as the Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship which covers up to 75% tuition costs. They also have the Dean’s International Merit Scholarship which covers about 50% tuition costs and the International Fee Remission Scholarship which covers 25%-75% tuition costs.


2.) Monash University, Melbourne


Monash University also offers a good number of scholarship opportunities to international students. Some of these scholarships include the Mahboob Khan International Scholarship which covers as much as 75% tuition costs. Additionally, there is the Monash International Undergraduate Scholarship which grants roughly 50% tuition coverage, etc.


3.) University of Melbourne


This top-ranked Australian university’s Medical School awards scholarships known as the Lucerne International Medical Scholarship to international applicants. These scholarships offer full tuition coverage as well as a one-year living stipend. Furthermore, other partial tuition coverage scholarships are awarded every year to international candidates.


4.) King Edward Medical University (KEMU), Lahore


This Pakistani university allocates need-based scholarships (70% tuition coverage) to international exchange students. Applicants must be academically sound in order to be considered.


5.) Ameeruddin Medical College, Lahore


This is another Pakistani university and it provides merit-based scholarships of up to 50% tuition coverage to international applicants each year. These scholarships are completely need-blind and focus on the candidate’s academic achievements and aspirations.


For more information on how to apply for these scholarships, please visit the official websites of the above-stated universities.



All the best!

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