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Top schools offering application fee waivers and grants for international students


Top schools offering application fee waivers and grants for international students

Applying to universities abroad involves substantial fees that may dissuade financially constrained but talented international students. Some top schools address this by providing both application fee waivers and academic funding opportunities.


University of California Schools – All nine UC campuses like UCLA and Berkeley waive fees for international applicants presenting financial difficulties. Additionally, they award competitive scholarships like the Regents and Chancellor’s Merit Awards covering over 50% of costs.


University of Washington – As a respected public research university, UW wants merit and needs considerations above monetary aspects. They waive application processing charges for international freshmen facing hardship. Top scholars also receive Provost’s Excellence Awards and Global Leadership Awards up to full ride.


Georgia Tech – This premier engineering institute eliminates fees through the Yellow Jacket Application Waiver for internationals meeting economic hardship requirements. Outstanding performers further qualify for the prestigious Global Leadership Scholarship and President’s Scholarship removing half of tuition expenses.


University of Wisconsin–Madison – Ranked among the top public universities, UW–Madison provides application fee exemptions to foreign candidates with financial constraints through a simple request. International Academic Excellence and Nonresident Honors awards then fund up to half the costs of attendance.


University of Minnesota – The UofM considers all international undergrads for need-based fee waivers, like those receiving a College Board fee reduction. Those with a 3.5+ GPA also qualify for the International Freshman Academic Award deducting 25-75% of tuition.


University of Colorado Boulder – This highly-ranked liberal arts university excuses application charges for foreign applicants experiencing economic difficulties upon request. Additionally, they offer prestigious international merit-based scholarships such as the Boulder Scholar Award removing up to 100% of out-of-state fees.


Boston University – As a globally oriented research university, BU removes application costs through the International Fee Waiver for candidates facing demonstrable financial hardship. Dean’s and Trustee’s Scholarships then provide further aid of up to $30,000 per year based on academics.


These elite public and private universities promote accessibility with their fee waiver programs alongside grants incentivizing global scholars to achieve their potential internationally.


All the best!!!

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