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Top Five (5) Schools that Grant Application Fee Waivers to International Davidson Fellows Scholarship Applicants.


Top Five (5) Schools that Grant Application Fee Waivers to International Davidson Fellows Scholarship Applicants.

As the prestigious and competitive scholarship program that it is, the Davidson Fellows Scholarship awards as much as $50,000 worth of scholarships to excellent young individuals who excel in science and scientific creations. Let’s take a look at the top partner institutions of the Davidson Fellows scholarship in the United States that waive application fees for international students applying for this award.


1.) The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


MIT has an application fee of $95, however, they grant application fee waivers to international students who are either the Davidson Fellows finalists or are already recipients of the award. Their mission here is to dismantle financial barriers that could hinder really exceptional talents, all over the world, from grasping this great opportunity.


2.) California Institute of Technology (Caltech)


Caltech, just like MIT, automatically waives its mandatory $85 application fee for any international applicant who has a referral from the Davidson Fellows program.


3.) Harvard University


Harvard University has different application fees that are specific to the applicant’s nationality. For instance, Canadians are charged an application fee of $250, Europeans are charged €190 and others are charged $125. to be considered. However, this university grants complete application fee waivers to all Davidson Fellows applicants


4.) Stanford University


Stanford University also exempts all international Davidson Fellows applicants from paying the mandatory $90 application fee.


5.) Princeton University


Although Princeton University is not a partner of the Davidson Fellows program, they also exclude international candidates who have a Davidson Fellows referral from paying the mandatory application fee of about $80-$100.


The waiving of these application fees for the Davidson Fellows hopefuls by these elite universities is in itself a testament to their abilities, strengths, and potential.


For further inquiries on the above information, kindly visit the official websites of the above-stated universities.



All the best!

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