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Top Four (4) Schools that Offer the Davidson Fellows Scholarships to International Students


Top Four (4) Schools that Offer the Davidson Fellows Scholarships to International Students

The Davidson Fellows Scholarship is a very renowned and prestigious scholarship in the United States that is specifically designed for gifted students. This scholarship grants as much as $50,000 to gifted children who are 18 years of age and below. Kids who are awarded this prestigious scholarship are known to exhibit exceptional abilities and achievements in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, literature, or musical composition. Let’s take a look at some top-ranked institutions in the United States that provide additional assistance for the Davidson Fellows Scholarship international recipients.


1.) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


This top-ranked university is a Davidson Fellows partner and they provide visa and immigration advice to international Davidson Fellows Scholarship recipients. In addition, MIT assists the recipients in getting supplementary monetary awards which would go a long way towards covering certain additional costs like housing, books, etc.


2.) California Institute of Technology (Caltech)


This is another top-ranked university that is also a Davidson Fellows partner. This university assists its international Davidson Fellows in the proper coordination of all the parties involved (the student, their family, and the scholarship organization) so as to ensure a smooth transition. They also provide certain resources like international graduate housing, immigration advising, etc.


3.) Harvard University


Yet another top-ranked university and Davidson Fellows partner, Harvard University generally provides important advice/guidance for the international Davidson Fellows Scholarship recipients in areas like visa processing, finance management, health care, etc.


4.) Stanford University


Stanford University, a renowned and prestigious top-ranked university, is also one of the Davidson Fellows partners that renders additional assistance to international Davidson Fellows Scholarship recipients. Just like MIT, Stanford University provides advice on visa processing. They also organize orientation exercises to help these international students adjust to campus life abroad. Furthermore, Stanford University helps the students obtain additional monetary awards that could help cover certain other expenses.


For further information on the above information, visit the official Davidson Fellows website as well as the official websites of the above-stated universities.



All the best!

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