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Top schools that offer fully funded scholarships for international students without IELTS requirements.


Top schools that offer fully funded scholarships for international students without IELTS requirements.

Many international students dream of earning a degree from a top university abroad but worry about the high costs and language test requirements. Fortunately, there are excellent schools that offer attractive scholarship packages with full tuition waivers and other financial support for outstanding international applicants. Here are some top options to consider that don’t require IELTS or TOEFL scores.


Canada: Most universities in Canada offer competitive scholarships for international undergraduates, covering at least partial tuition. However, McGill University in Montreal stands out with exceptionally generous support. Their Faculty of Arts International Entrance Scholarship provides full tuition waivers for top non-Canadian students in the arts and social sciences. No minimum English level is required.


United States: Prestigious American universities welcome exceptional international freshmen through full-ride scholarships. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers need-blind admission and meets 100% of demonstrated financial need for all undergrads, regardless of citizenship. Likewise, Harvard University awards international students grants instead of loans as part of their generous financial aid packages. Neither university requires IELTS scores.


Germany: Studying at a public university in Germany costs a nominal administration fee of approximately 200 euros per semester. Additionally, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships directly to international undergraduates and graduates covering full tuition and a living stipend. Applicants do not need a language certificate for most DAAD programs.


Japan: Like Germany, public universities in Japan charge minimal tuition fees starting at approximately 50,000 yen annually. Furthermore, the prestigious MEXT Scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology offers full financial support including tuition, living costs, and round-trip airfare for outstanding international students wishing to earn an undergraduate or graduate degree in Japan. No language tests are mandatory.


Norway: The University of Bergen offers limited full undergraduate scholarships for international students through its Internationalization Scholarship Program. This award covers total tuition fees and provides a monthly living stipend equivalent to Norway’s basic national insurance benefits. Applicants face no language requirements.


Additionally, many schools in Canada, the UK, Australia, and elsewhere provide competitive entrance awards for top international freshmen that meet at least half of standard tuition costs each year, providing significant financial relief. Thorough research on individual university programs can uncover other excellent worldwide options. With a bit of luck and perseverance, a high-quality degree from an elite institution abroad remains achievable with full funding support.


All the best!!!

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