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Top Four (4) Institutions that Offer Psychology Scholarships to International Students with Application Fee Waivers


Top Four (4) Institutions that Offer Psychology Scholarships to International Students with Application Fee Waivers

International students who seek to pursue a degree in Psychology in the United States have the opportunity to obtain funding from several top universities in the United States. In addition, some of these top universities grant application fee waivers to international applicants. Let’s take a look at some of these institutions.


1.) The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


This top-ranked university awards numerous scholarship opportunities to international students through different platforms. For instance, there is the International Graduate Fellowship which offers full/partial tuition coverage as well as financial support for other student fees to international graduate students (Psychology students included). There is no need for a separate application as all admitted applicants will be automatically considered. UCLA also waives application fees for international applicants who demonstrate financial need.


2.) The University of Michigan


The University of Michigan is another highly-rated university that grants generous scholarships to international students. The Michigan Psychology Scholarship is one such scholarship program. This scholarship grants full tuition coverage to new international Psychology Ph.D. students. Additionally, it covers health insurance, student fees, and a yearly living stipend. This scholarship lasts for the entire four-year duration of the program. Just like UCLA, no separate application is required. There is also the International Student Graduate Fellowship which provides full tuition coverage. The application fee is waived for self-funded international students who put forward a formal request.


3.) Yale University


Yale University’s Graduate School offers international Psychology students the International Student Fellowship which covers full tuition, yearly allowance, and healthcare, and it lasts for as many as five years. This university also waives the application fee for self-funded international students.


4.) Harvard University


Harvard University Is yet another prestigious school that provides very competitive international fellowships for international Psychology (PhD) students. This funding is granted through the Department of Psychology.


5.) New York University (NYU)


NYU awards scholarships to over 350 international students every year. This scholarship is as much as $30,000 each and is awarded through its International Scholarship Program. No separate application is needed. Application fee waivers are also received by eligible international candidates.


6.) The University of Texas, Austin


This large public university offers need-based scholarships to international students and waives the application fee for international undergraduate students.


For more information on how to apply for these scholarships, visit the official websites of the above-stated universities.



All the best!

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